The Downriver Community Conference partnership provides leadership in establishing common, positive goals and strategies to develop the human, social and economic assets of the Downriver area: enhances the quality of life for area residents, workers and businesses; shapes public policy at the federal, state, regional, county and local levels; and identifies, obtains and responsibly manages the necessary financial resources to successfully implement this vision.



Jim Perry​

(734) 362-3469

Lisa Wayne

Chief Executive Officer / Administration
(734) 362-7013

Lisa Kurtzhals

Chief Operating Officer / Programs
(734) 362-3454

Allen Heffner

Manager / WIOA
(313) 579-4925

Bob Heck

DMA / Administrator
(734) 362-3432

Cari Johnson

Assistant Executive Director / Central Administration
(734) 362-3469

Carol Schallhorn

Manager / OS-MIS Welfare Programs
(734) 362-7018

Dan Kempe

Manager / Weatherization
(734) 362-7052

Jazmine Danci

Administrator / Economic Development
(734) 362-7038

Kristy Sargent

Manager / Human Resources
(734) 720-7848

Lynette Massey

Manager / Program
(734) 362-3443

Maria Mancos

Controller / Fiscal
(734) 362-7065

Ron Goff

Director / Computer Operations / Security / B&G
(734) 362-7035

Sarah Venhuizen

Manager / CDF / RC Welfare Programs
(734) 362-3467

Valerie Evans

Manager / ES / TAA Programs
(313) 628-2264